Need a PMI certified experienced project manager? Contact Jay Cohen in York, PA at Resume
We have identified thousands of web sites from around the
world to meet the information needs of "roadwarrior"
project managers and their teams. The annotated Table of Contents below gets you to
sites by category. We also have a Site Search
on every page. This site is updated frequently so look for new or updated! A site marked with is a StartWrightHit!. Be sure to
also check out About StartWright, Hero-Ohs
(Site of the Week), Thought of the Week , Project Management , Virtual Teams
, Words & Etymology , Computer
Terminology & Dictionairies , Information Technology,
York,PA , Lake Champlain and the
Adirondacks, Cellspeak(tm), Neat Stuff.
We have had visitors from over 114 countries! We have identified thousands of web sites from around the
world to meet the information needs of "road warrior"
project managers and their teams. The annotated Table of Contents below gets you to
sites by category. We also have a Site Search
on every page. This site is updated frequently so look for new or updated! A site marked with is a StartWrightHit!. Be sure to
also check out About StartWright, Hero-Ohs
(Site of the Week), Thought of the Week , Project Management , Virtual Teams
, Words & Etymology , Computer
Terminology & Dictionaries , Information Technology,
York,PA , Lake Champlain and the
Adirondacks, Cellspeak(tm), Neat Stuff.
We have had visitors from over 150 countries! Hint: Use Ctrl+F to find within a page and search
to find within the site.
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Table of Contents (top)
Select a category or scroll down to see them all!
[Getting There] [Staying There] [Office on the Road]
[Business Topics for the
Project Manager] [Mobile Reference
Room] [At the End of the Day]
[Words & Etymology] [Back at Home] [Career
and Project Management Profession] [Techie
 | Getting There (return)
 | Corporate Cards American Express, Diners, etc.. |
 | Overseas & Global Traveling outside the USA |
 | Maps & Directions |
 | Travel Car, Airlines, Airports, Bus,
Train, tips |
 | Weather & Time updated
Check before you travel, time zone info (Accuweather) |
 | Business Travel Tips Commentary, packing advice, women's
travel, etiquette |
 | Staying There (return)
 | Office on the Road (return)
 | Administrative Stuff
 | Calendars & Team Groupware updated web
scheduling & collaboration, file storage on the web, e-forms |
 | Copies & Printing Find a place near you |
 | Mail & Packages send it and track it,
address management |
 | Office Supplies & Furniture Find a store, order by
www or phone |
 | Telephony Regular, Cellular, PCS, pagers, faxes |
 | Temporary Staffing When you need someone quick |
 | Web Access & E-Mail updated Free e-mail, cyber cafes,
spam, tips, internet faxing, internet security |
 | Personal Computing Stuff
 | Computer and Electronics Stores buy it in person |
 | Mobile & Remote Computing Laptops, equipment,
help, telecommuting, Palm Pilot software, cybercafes, offices at airports, connections,
spoken word audible, Bandwidth Speed Tests, PDA's |
 | PC HW & SW mail/web order, price compares |
 | Viruses Online viruses, hoaxes, myths, cybercrime |
 | Presentations & Meetings Sites for better ones,
videoconferencing, making speeches and presentations, posters |
 | Business Topics for the Project
Manager (return)
 | Business Process Reengineering (BPR) |
 | Call Centers Customer Care, Help Desks |
 | Computers and the Law |
 | Data Warehousing / Data Mining |
 | Document Management |
 | Enterprise Resource Planning Also SCM, CRM, EAI |
 | Information Technology updated
Keep up with information technology, LINUX |
 | Internet Economy e-commerce, e-business, resources,
trends, statistics, magazines, dot coms |
 | Knowledge Management |
 | Organizational Development |
 | Outsourcing organizations and vendors |
 | Procurement & Inventory Control |
 | Web Hosting and Colocation links to web hosting and colocation
sites |
 | Working Woman general, women & IT |
 | Virtual Teams updated |
 | Wireless Technologies updated WAP,
Bluetooth, m-commerce |
 | XML (eXtensible Markup Language) Also SGML |
 | Year 2000 news, commentary, pc testing tools |
 | Mobile Reference Room (return)
 | About Today Today in history , special events |
 | Automotive updated
When you use your own car |
 | Books Order/read books online, reviews, ebooks |
 | Consumer Protection Information and Buying Help Know
before you buy, bots |
 | Consulting Consultant sites, accounting sites |
 | Culture & Religion Religious & secular
holidays, customs |
 | Medical & Legal Medical or legal advice, find a
practitioner |
 | Directories Find a phone number, business, area codes |
 | European Union Euro, privacy, country-specific sites |
 | Foreign Languages Learn to speak, translations,
translators |
 | Governments Find the correct government agency or info,
US government sites, US government travel sites |
 | IBM sites Good things from Big Blue!! |
 | Information about Companies Competitive intelligence,
industry information |
 | Libraries, Museums, Reference Books & Sites updated |
 | Magazines & Newsletters Read online;
subscribe |
 | Money & Credit updated Financial rates,
stocks, mutual funds, tax forms, mortgages, advice, calculators, insurance, currency
converters, credit reports |
 | News on The Web (ABCNews,
CNN, CNNfn,...) |
 | Newspapers US & the world (NYTimes, Wash
Post, USA Today) |
 | Small Office/ Home Office/Small Business updated |
 | Standards and Organizations |
 | Summary Sites Sites similar to StartWright |
 | At the End of the Day (return)
 | Entertainment Movies, Music, Tickets, Things to Do |
 | Health & Fitness Keep your body and your family's
going, |
 | Interesting People's Sites |
 | Neat Stuff updated
How to's, games, satire, "different" sites, emoticons, etc |
 | Radio & TV Broadcast & Cable TV, live Radio,
radio talk shows, old tv |
 | Science & Nature Natural Sciences |
 | Sports Worldwide sport sites (CNN/SI) (ESPN) |
 | Words & Etymology (return)
 | Back at Home (return)
 | Family Life Parenting, Children, Homework help, worklife
balance |
 | Gifts & Cards Send something home (cards,
clothes, toys, etc);
charities information |
 | Your Home Useful sites about maintaining your home,
manuals, shopping coupons, discounts, gardening |
 | Career and and Project Management Profession
 | Careers & Development updated Find a new job!, IT jobs,
salary and cost of living, technical certification |
 | Education updated
Schools, Colleges, Aid, Executive Education, Distance Learning, Seminars |
 | Negotiating Articles, tips |
 | Project Management updated
 | Retirement Information about IRA's, 401(K)'s, ... |
 | Time & Stress Management Tips, procrastination |
 | Techie Reference (return)
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