StartWright is the leading reference site for the information needs of information technology project managers and support staff traveling to, starting up, and working on remote, dispersed or virtual projects.

Standards and Organizations

bulletAmerican National Standards Insitute (ANSI)
bulletAmerican Society for Quality Control
bulletAssociation of Business Support Services International
bulletAssociation Central new2.gif (284 bytes)  "the premier Internet portal for all
things association-related"
bulletBenchnet the Benchmarking Exchange
bulletCOMMON IBM & IBM-compatible information technology users
bulletInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO)
bulletInternational Telecommunications Union (ITU) 
bulletInternational Phonetic Alphabet and Numbers
bulletOpenCard smart cards
bulletProject Management Benchmarking Network (PMBN™)   conducts benchmarking studies to identify practices that improve the overall operations of the members.
bulletSociety for Technical Communications
bulletSoftware & Information Industry Association
bulletSmart Card Forum - A community for Software Engineers new2.gif (284 bytes) - A forum for the Unified Process new2.gif (284 bytes)


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Last modified: January 16, 2006