StartWright is the leading reference site for the information needs of information technology project managers and support staff traveling to, starting up, and working on remote, dispersed or virtual projects.



bulletStarter Sites
bulletMicrosoft Network Mobile
bulletLycos Mobile Directory
bulletOracle Mobile  the mobile products and services division of Oracle Corp
bulletYahoo! Mobile
bulletBluetooth Short range radio links technology
bulletWAP Forum Wireless Area Protocol
bulletIBC Telecoms' WAP Congress
bulletGSM World WAP Overview
bulletMfinder  "The largest directory of mobile Internet sites"
bulletmobileWAP All about the Wireless Application Protocol!
bulletWAPJAG.COM 100% wireless application
development and deployment (wireless industry, handelds/PDAs,Bluetooth,WAP)
bulletWireless Data Forum Dedicated to publicizing successful
wireless data applications and customer communities
bulletWireless Developer Network new2.gif (284 bytes) articles, tutorials new2.gif (284 bytes)  "Gateway to the Mobile Economy" The site covers wireless strategies, mergers and acquisitions, investments and the latest applications and hardware news. MBizCentral offers stock reports, columnists, daily e-mail newsletters and wireless delivery options.

Also see Mobile  & Remote Computing

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Last modified: January 16, 2006