StartWright is the leading reference site for the information needs of information technology project managers and support staff traveling to, starting up, and working on remote, dispersed or virtual projects.


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bulletWeek of 2002.05.31
bulletPM Solutions | Project Management Information and White Papers from PM Solutions A comprehensive library of project management white papers, technical articles, research reports, and publications. The site is a valuable resource for IT project managers. (Project Management Tips and Articles)
bulletWeek of 2002.05.24
bulletGRAN PM  is an open source/gated source web-based project management software, which unites in a single product a task management system, a bug tracking software and employee timesheet tracking (Project Management Tools)
bulletWeek of 2002.05.17
bulletMindjet  "Used to brainstorm during initial project planning; quickly capture and organize ideas and information using an interface that is both easy to use and to understand; and concisely communicate even very complex information using a non-text-intensive visual format."  (Project Management Tools)
bulletWeek of 2002.05.12 - A community for Software Engineers (Standards and Organizations)
bulletWeek of 2002.05.05
bulletAllAboutYourOwnWebsite unbiased guide to the essential steps involved with producing and maintaining a website for every internet purpose (Web Design & Development)
bulletWeek of 2002.04.28 "PA and NJ's premier lemon law firm, David J. Gorberg, Esq. providing free lemon law help to consumers with defective cars. Protecting your rights across the state since 1965."  PA Lemon law information and links to many consumer research links. (Automotive)
bulletWeek of 2002.04.21 is an online passport and visa expediting service (Travel)
bulletWeek of 2002.04.14
bulletEquity Corporate Housing Over 200,000 apartments to choose
from! Furnished,unfurnished, short term and long term apartment rentals (Corporate Apartments)
bulletWeek of 2002.04.07
bulletProject NUCLEUS  - project collaboration, control and management
solution (Project Management Tools)
bulletWeek of 2002.03.31
bulletePMTutor is a prime resources for preparing for certification examinations in project management (Project Management)
bulletWeek of 2002.03.24
bulletCost Xpert  "highly flexible, easy to use and well priced cost estimation tool that takes the guesswork out of cost and schedule estimations" (Project Management Tools)
bulletWeek of 2002.03.17
bulletPersonal Time Management Guide "The aim of this time management guide is to give you all the right information and support for making personal time management work best for you." (Time)
bulletWeek of 2002.03.10
bulletTrabaJunto is a collaboration tool for advertising agencies with online asset management and project management features. This groupware works as an intranet & extranet, allowing teams to communicate and coordinate activities in real time. (Project Management Tools)
bulletWeek of 2002.03.03
bulletAmerican Dialect Society "the only scholarly association dedicated
to the study of the English language in North America" (Linguistics)
bulletWeek of 2002.02.24
bulletSteelray provides a simple and easy way to view and communicate Microsoft Project information over the web. Steelray is 100% web-based, written completely in server-side Java (Project Management Tools)
bulletWeek of 2002.02.17 The Tips and Tricks section and Jargon Buster section may be of particular interest  (PC Sup[port)
bulletWeek of 2002.02.10 The hick-to-hip translation guide (Words)
bulletWeek of 2002.02.03
bulletOur Project  Web services for Project Management (Project Management Tools)
bulletWeek of 2002.01.27
bulletEncyclopdedia: Information Technologies groupware, internet, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, etc. from INSEAD and CALT (The Center for Advanced Learning Technologies) (Information Technology)
bulletWeek of 2002.01.20
bulletFree Monthly Speaking Tips by professional speaker Lenny Laskowski (Presentations & Meetings)
bulletWeek of 2002.01.13
bulletE. L. Easton Materials for Teaching and Learning Languages (Linguistics)
bulletWeek of 2002.01.06
bulletTop7Business   A daily broadcast Of 7 tips, tricks, secrets,
suggestions, & useful information, relating to helping you build
and grow your business! (Small Business/Home Office)

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About Here-Oh's

We are constantly adding new URL's to the StartWright website.  Each week, one of these sites is singled out as being especially useful.  We call them "Here-Oh's" because they hopefully will have you saying" "Oh! Here's a great one! (and we liked the pun.)

Note: Here-Oh's are always added to the appropriate part of the website. To go to that page, click on the link.

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Last modified: January 16, 2006