| (Also see Words page for Computer and Technology Glossaries ) |
 | @Brint Recommended by WSJ, BW, Fortune, etc  |
 | bitpipe.com "Your link
to in-depth IT Research" |
 | Computer and Communications Pages
"one stop" |
 | The Computer Consultant  |
 | Computer Information Centre (CompInfo)
 | ComputerWorld Technology
"a weekly tutorial about computer-related trends
and technologies. Each edition includes a
simple definition of the subject, a story
about the state of the technology and a
list of related Internet resources." (There is also a Business QuickStudy) |
 | Darwin Online Learn Glossary
"a layman's guide to speaking geek" |
 | eIT-Forum IT Management Knowledge Portal  |
 | e-Lingo Dictionary |
 | Encyclopdedia:
Information Technologies
Groupware, internet, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, etc. from INSEAD and
CALT(The Center for Advanced Learning Technologies) |
 | FatBrain "the Internet's most
comprehensive bookstore for professionals" |
 | International Federation for Information Porfessionals
(IFIP) is a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization for national societies
working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the
auspices of UNESCO as an aftermath of the first World Computer Congress held in Paris in
1959. |
 | Information Management Forum "provides
a platform for sharing the best in past experiences, current practices, and future
innovative directions." |
 | IT - Business Relationship
Strategic Information System Evolution - Edgardo Mejias (article) |
 | IT Learning Center
"a free information resource for IT / IS pros, business analysts, and the academic
community. Here you will find one of the most
concentrated sources of information about information technology business management
issues: budgeting, cost-benefit analysis, investment planning,
performance measurement and metrics, and more." |
 | ITToolkit "a web resource for the
management and support of Information Technology" |
 | ITpapers is the Yellow Pages of White Papers, with links to over 15,000
White Papers (over 50,000 by the end of 2001). A free service. |
 | Jargon Judge |
 | Lucent Technology's
Glossary Look up technical terms |
 | NetHandbooks.com handbooks and links
covering emerging technologies |
 | Netlingo "The Internet Language
Dictionary" |
 | NTG TechLinks (Canada) |
 | Object and Components -16,427 Links |
 | PC Webopaedia definitions and links |
 | Princeton University's
Computer and Internet References |
 | Resources for Information Technology
Professionals |
 | Scott's
Tutorial Hotlist Tutorials, Manuals, and User's Guides |
 | Tom's Hardware Guide PC equipment |
 | TechEnclyclopedia "More
than 13,000 definitions of computer terms and concepts" |
 | techguide.com "complex technology in simple
terms" |
 | TechJourney.com provides the best
resources for computer professionals by researching and reviewing many sources including
journals, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and input from our customers. |
 | TechRepublic "the IT
Community hub
 | TechSightings Weekly Reviews
of the Best High-Tech Sights on the Net! |
 | TechTarget "The Leading Network of Enterprise IT Web Sites" |
 | Tek-Tip Forums "hot web community
where computer porfessionals meet and talk" |
 | Tek.Xam "The Tek.Xam assessment
examination is a unique test measuring technology and problem-solving skills within the
environment. It is an Internet-based, vendor-neutral test delivered
online in a proctored computer lab" sample
test |
 | TenLinks.com "Ultimate Technology
Directory(TM)" |
 | University of Maryland
Computer Research |
 | US News & World Report -
News Can You Use - Tech |