StartWright is the leading reference site for the information needs of information technology project managers and support staff traveling to, starting up, and working on remote, dispersed or virtual projects.

Internet Economy

bulletMagazine and News Sites
bulletAccess Internet Magazine
bulletBusiness 2.0
bulletBusinessWeek ebiz
bulletCIO Magazines Web Business Site
bulletCIO Electronic Commerce Research Center
bulletDigiTrends Daily
bulleteBiz Daily
bulletE-commerce News
bulleteBusiness News
bulleteCompany Now  "eCompany Now's aim is to be the straight-talking, sophisticated companion to business people who face the risks and opportunities the Web brings to the business world."
bulletFortune eCorp Infosite  Net business articles
bulletThe Industry Standard - "The Newsmagazine of the Internet Economy"
bulletInformationWeek's E-business Resource Center
bulletE-Biz Quiz
bulletE-Business 100 Realtime internet news and resources's Electronic Commerce Guide
bulletNetworkWorld Fusion
bulletWired News E-Biz
bulletZDNet E-Business
bulletCenter for Internet Commerce  e-tailing
bulletClearCommerce's e-Guide  A guide to e-tailing
bulleteRetail.Net  "News and Information for Internet Retailers"
bulletUnited States Government Electronic Commerce Policy
bulletA Framework for Global Electronic Commerce
bulletUnderstanding the Digital Economy
bulletCompany Sites
bulletIBM sites
bulletIBM e-Business
bulletIBM Net.Commerce
bulletAndersen Consulting eCommerce
bulletCiscoIQ new2.gif (284 bytes) "The Fastest Way to Increase Your Internet Quotient"
bulletHP E-services
bulletReference Sites's Electronic Commerce 
bulletData Interchange Standards Association  Promoting E-commerce in a Global Market
bulletDavid Strom's Web Informant new2.gif (284 bytes) "Intranet,eCommerce, secure email products, products with browser interfaces, Internet appliances, web-based forum and discussion products, push technologies and other places
that might be of interest to those involved in web-related marketing and technology"
bulletDiybizsites new2.gif (284 bytes)  "a free e-commerce tutorial, plus a selection of web development  resources. All the solutions use WYSIWYG, so coding or programming is not required"
bulleteCommerce Info Center 
bulletAll E-commerce
bulletElectronic Commerce Canada 
bulletThe Electronic Commerce Dictionary
bulletElectronic Commerce Knowledge Center
bulletElectronic Commerce, Payment Systems and Security Resources
bulleteBusiness Central  swh01.jpg (901 bytes)"The internet gateway to e-business"
bulletE-Commerce Research Room   "The largest collection of articles, links and resources on e-commerce to be found at any single place on the planet"
bulletecProfessional by Globeset Information for the e-commerce insider
bulletecProfessional Glossary
bulleteCommerce Guidebook   Tutorials
bulletElectronic Commerce Guide
bulletElectronic Commerce Terminology
bulletInformation Economy "The Economics of the Internet, Information Goods, Intellectual Property and Related Issues"
bulletITtoolbox Portal for e-business
bulletNetworkWorld Fusion E-commerce Primers and Tutorials
bulletPlanet IT E-business Technology Center
bulletBlown to Bits
bulletInformation Rules A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy
bulletThe Clickable Corporation   "Successful Strategies for Capturing the Internet Advantage"
bulletUnleashing the Killer App
bulletInternational Communications, Inc.
bulletSell It On The Web  "Everything you need to build a
great e-commerce Web site"
bulletYankee Group  market research
bulletDotcom Scoop "a source for breaking news in the Internet
and technology sectors"
bulletInternet Facts, Statistics, Marketing Research
bulletICONOCAST  Market intelligence - facts,figures,trends,...
bulletInternet Stats
bulletNUA Internet Surveys  world's leading source of
Internet trend information swh01.jpg (1316 bytes)
bulletClickz x Online, marketing, and e-commerce
bulletComputerWorld Emmerce   webzine for electronic commerce strategist; statistics
bulletCyberAtlas The Reference Desk for Web Marketing
bulletE-commerce and Webmarketing 
bulletProject 2000  conducts rigorous research on the strategic, consumer behavior, and policy issues related to the development of the Internet as a commercial medium (Vanderbilt University)
bulletWeb Marketing Today Info Center   "You'll find links to thousands of on-line articles about effective Web marketing"

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