StartWright is the leading reference site for the information needs of information technology project managers and support staff traveling to, starting up, and working on remote, dispersed or virtual projects.

Here-Ohs 1999

        (Here-Oh's 2000)

bulletWeek of 1999.12.26
bulletComputerWorld Technology QuickStudy
"a weekly tutorial about computer-related trends
and technologies. Each edition includes a
simple definition of the subject, a story
about the state of the technology and a
list of related Internet resources." (There is also a Business QuickStudy) (Information Technology)
bulletWeek of 1999.12.19
bulletThe Worldwide Holiday & Festival Site Country & Religious (Culturen & Religion)
bulletWeek of 1999.12.12
bulletCardboard Checklists (tm) These checklists are a tool for helping you focus attention on the critical aspects of your project at the different stages of its lifecycle. (Project Managment)
bulletWeek  of 1999.12.05 This on-line service replaces small-business paperwork with e-mail forms (Team Groupware)
bulletWeek of 1999.11.28 "Your Guide to High Speed Internet Service" (Mobile & Remote Computing)
bulletWeek of 1999.11.21
bulletWebsite101 Small Business Internet Tutorial (Using the Internet)
bulletWeek of 1999.11.14
bulletStress Busters "Thoughts to Reduce Your Work Stress!" (Health & Fitness)
bulletWeek of 1999.11.07
bulletBusiness Travel Tips by Chris McGinnis monthly tips (Travel)
bulletWeek of 1999.10.31  "an easy-to-use site for rapid
translations where you can get the "gist" of foreign
language text and web pages" (Foreign Languages)
bulletWeek of 1999.10.24
bulletGlobal Information Network "the global web portal for global business" (Overseas & Global)
bulletWeek of 1999.10.17
bulletdeveloperWorks An IBM site with info about Java, Linux, Security, Unicode, Web architecture, XML (IBM sites)
bulletWeek of 1999.10.10
bulletIndustryWeek "the interactive management resource" (Magazines)
bulletWeek of 1999.10.03
bulleteBusiness Central  "The internet gateway to e-business" (Internet Economy)
bulletWeek of 1999.09.26 " a new independent community
dedicated to supporting individuals and companies
as they tackle and solve today's enterprise
computing challenges" with links and resources
bulletWeek of 1999.09.19
bulletIT Support News "the most complete on-line resource
for ITSUPPORT, support, and training professionals"
bulletWeek of 1999.09.12
bulletExecutive Edge from GartnerGroup "Strategic Advantage through Technology"
bulletWeek of 1999.09.05
bulletitmWeb "The itmWEB Site™ is a vast collection of tools, news, features, and resources for information technology professionals."
bulletWeek of 1999.08.29
bulletTelework- Telecommuting part of the SocioSite Project
bulletWeek of 1999.08.22 "unprecedented in providing the only research database that specializes in locating in-depth technology research and analysis reports. In fact, is the only resource available that provides a broad accounting of key technology analyst groups and their reports."
bulletWeek of 1999.08.15
bulletDave Farthing's Software Project Management Page Dave Dave works in the Information Systems field and
lectures in project  management and IS management at the School of Computing, University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK
bulletWeek of 1999.08.07
bulletBusiness Process Resource Centre - Knowledge Management Definitions, Links on Knowledge Management
bulletWeek of 1999.08.01
bulletProject Zone "A community of technology project leaders discovering,learning, inventing, and teaching each other better ways to lead and manage teams and projects."
bulletWeek of 1999.07.25
bulletShoreland's Travel Health Online "The home of travel health and safety on the World Wide Web" - country profiles, locate a travel medicine provider
bulletWeek of 1999.07.18
bulletCareer Magazine's Articles Many excellent articles related to jobs skills in this archive.
bulletWeek of 1999.07.11
bulletWWW - Guide to Project Management Research Sites This page is maintained by Dr Johann Packendorff, Umeå School of Business and Economics, Sweden
bulletWeek of 1999.07.04 "As a free service to the IT
community, we write and produce a broad array of
Technology Guides (white papers) to help educate
interested individuals on complex technology topics."
bulletWeek of 1999.06.27
bulletInternational Business Kiosk Your Reference Page for doing business around the world!
bulletWeek of 1999.06.20
bulletPrice's List of Lists Many of these lists present information in the form of rankings of different people, organizations, companies, etc.
bulletWeek of 1999.06.13 "the online magazine for better meetings that features hands-on effective meeting advice. The articles focus on action and application, not just information."
bulletWeek of 1999.06.06
bulletALL Project Management (AllPM) "The Project Manager's Home Page"
bulletWeek of 1999.05.30
bulletNegotiations Dynamics Articles, Negotiating Tip of the Week
bulletWeek of 1999.05.23
bulletU.S. Business Advisor "The one-stop electronic link to government for business"
bulletWeek of 1999.05.16
bulletJobSmart Salary Info Index
bulletWeek of 1999.05.09
bulletTechRepublic "The IT Community Hub, offers community, context, and content to enteprise computing professionals"
bulletWeek of 1999.05.02
bulletOneview Access your favorite bookmarks from any Web device
bulletWeek of 1999.04.25
bulletComputer Information Centre (CompInfo) "The definitive directory of the Business side of Computing.."
bulletWeek of 1999.04.18
bulletCIO Magazine The Leading Resource for Information Executives; great research centers and archives
bulletWeek of 1999.04.11
bulletCERT Coordination Center internet security,virus and security alerts, security research security
bulletWeek of 1999.04.05
bulletEverything E-Mail (tm) Info on e-mail addresses, software,  services, international resources, tips, ...
bulletWeek of 1999.03.28
bulletOfficialCitySites Official government city and county sites
bulletWeek of 1999.03.21
bulletInfoPlease On-line dictionary, Internet Encyclopedia and Almanac Reference
bulletWeek of 1999.03.14 "the Internet's original and most detailed index of online phone books, with links to Yellow Pages, White Pages, Business Directories, Email Addresses and Fax Listings from all around the world".
bulletWeek of 1999.03.07
bullet@BRINT "The Premier Network for
Business, Technology and Knowledge Management"
bulletWeek of 1999.02.28
bulletx-rates Foreign Exchange Rates
bulletWeek of 1999.02.21
bulletTechnoTravel "How to connect to the Internet while traveling"
bulletWeek of 1999.02.14
bulletMagical Desk Virtual Desktop, Email, Calendar, To Do List,
Bookmarks, Address Book, etc --- for free
bulletWeek of 1999.02.07
bulletBeyond Computing Magazine "Integrating Business and Technology"
bulletWeek of 1999.01.31
bulletAltaVista Online Translator Translate pages or web sites
bulletWeek of 1999.01.24
bulletNegotiation Skills Good articles and reference
bulletWeek of 1999.01.17
bulletPalm Pilot HQ Palm Pilot Software, Accesories and News
bulletWeek of 1999.01.10
bulletAdvice from the Legends - great quotes
bulletWeek of 1999.01.03
bulletTen Steps for Boosting Your Creativity
bulletWeek of 1998.12.27
bulletWeek of 1998.12.20
bulletWireless Dimension - research,compare phones & services
bulletWeek of 1998.12.13
bulletIBM Public Affairs Site - Living in the Information Society
bulletWeek of 1998.12.06
bulletLiving Language Site Learn foreign phrases with on-line pronunciation 
bulletWeek of 1998.11.29
bulletTom Peter's The Circle of Innovation An ongoing update to the charts in the book
bulletWeek of 1999.11.22
bulletThe Industry Standard The newsmagazine of the Internet Economy
bulletWeek of 1998.11.15
bulletCompany Sleuth "the Internet's top covert information specialist"
bulletWeek of 1998.11.08
bulletEuropa Official European Union Server
bulletWeek of 1998.11.01
bulletOnline Magazine The leading magazine for information professionals
bulletWeek of 1999.10.25
bulletBusiness 2.0 The portal for  New Economy executives
bulletWeek of 1998.10.11
bullet.Net Magazine - Europe's Most Popular Internet Magazine
bulletWeek of 1998.10.11
bulletPC Webopaedia - Online encylopedia dedicated to IT
bulletWeek of 1998.10.04
bulletCEO Express
bulletWeek of 1998.09.27
bulletPM Forum

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